Citation rankings in the field of protein research – high placement for UniCat member, Patrick Scheerer

In the newest ranking from the journal, Laborjournal, Dr. Patrick Scheerer from the Institute of Medical Physics from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin occupies leading positions. Two of the top ten most cited articles on protein research from scientists from German-speaking countries are from Patrick Scheerer. Since 2012, Dr. Patrick Scheerer has been working on, among other activities, hydrogenases in UniCat’s research area E3, and analysing 3D-structures and protein interactions, with help, for example, from protein crystals that...[more]
Peter Hegemann has been elected as a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

Today, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) announced that Professor Peter Hegemann, (UniCat Research Fields D4 and E4) has been elected as a member of EMBO. The EMBO is an organization of life scientists. Since 1964 scientists have been elected annually as members of EMBO based on excellence in research. There are more than 1600 EMBO Members today, sixty-six of whom have received the Nobel Prize. EMBO is also founding member of the Initiative for Science in Europe. For the 50th anniversary of EMBO welcomed...[more]
A Molecular Approach to Self-Supported Cobalt-Substituted ZnO Materials as Remarkably Stable Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation

Hot Paper in Angewandte Chemie by Anna Fischer and Matthias Driess[more]
Methane Activation on Magnesium Oxide Surfaces

Communication in Angewandte Chemie provides evidence that Lunsford mechanism for the oxidative coupling of methane needs revision[more]
Reversible [4Fe-3S] cluster morphing in an oxygen-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenase

New article by seven UniCat groups in Nature Chemical Biology[more]
PhD graduate from UniCat wins Umicore Scientific Award

Dr. Mehtap Özaslan, a former PhD student at UniCat has received the € 10,000 Umicore Scientific Award for her PhD work in the field of catalytic properties of cathode fuel cell electrocatalysts. Mehtap’s entry was one of 25 submitted from all over Europe. She worked at TU Berlin in the group of Professor Peter Strasser. The main Award is granted to a PhD graduate who, through his or her research, contributes to science in those fields that are crucial both to the growth of Umicore’s business and the development of a sustainable...[more]
Matthias Driess elected as a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Professor Dr. Matthias Driess, Chair of UniCat, has been elected as a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities by its council appreciating his scientific achievements. The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is a learned society with a three-hundred-year-old tradition of uniting outstanding scholars and scientists across national and disciplinary boundaries. 78 Nobel prizewinners have shaped its history. As the largest non-university research institute for the humanities in the...[more]
Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium supported by BIG-NSE wins Berlin’s “Jugend forscht” competition

Two BIG-NSE PhD students help young students from the Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium in Berlin-Reinickendorf win first prizes at Berlin’s annual scientific "Jugend forscht" competition[more]
Iron-Sulfur Enzymes - Mechanisms and Applications in Energy, Environment and Medicine

UniCat scientists Silke Leimkühler, Holger Dobbek, and Oliver Lenz have been invited to the Gordon Research Conference on Iron-Sulfur Enzymes[more]
Excellent female chemist researches the crystal structure of aldehyde oxidase enzymes

Clara Immerwahr Award Ceremony on February 21st / Invitation[more]