Best presentation awarded

Flavia Neddermeyer has received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” at the ADCHEM Symposium in Canada.[more]
UniCat scientists made a first step towards the creation of synthetic cells

A first step towards the creation of synthetic cells is performed by the research group of Prof. Nediljko Budisa. The chemical composition and the genetic code of an auxotrophic Escheria coli were changed in the frame of a long term evolution experiment. During the experiment, the cells were gradually forced to replace natural building block tryptophan, with thienopyrrolyl-alanine in their proteomes. This is the first step in the creation of synthetic life, which should be genetically and metabolically so far away from that found in...[more]
ERC Advanced Grant for Hajo Freund / Minister of Science honors achievements

The European Research Council (ERC) has officially announced the winners of the ERC Advanced Grant 2014. Among the winners are four researchers from Berlin, one of whom is UniCat Professor Hajo Freund.[more]
UniCat researchers successful

Thomas Risse and Robert Bittl have successfully acquired projects for the DFG Priority Program EPR spectroscopy: from biological cells to nano materials. [more]
Helmut Schwarz to receive Eni Award

UniCat professor Helmut Schwarz has been selected to receive one of this year’s Eni Awards. Established by the Italian energy company Eni S.p.A., the award comes with €200,000. The award is being conferred on Schwarz in the category New Frontiers of Hydrocarbons in honor of Schwarz’s basic research in the area of converting methane into heavier (such as ethane/ethylene) or oxygenated (such as methanol, formaldehyde) hydrocarbons. Especially the conversion into ethylene is a major topic of UniCat, c.f. Research Field D1. This direct...[more]
Hertie Senior Research Professorship in Neuroscience for Peter Hegemann

The non-profit Hertie Foundation today honored UniCat Professor Peter Hegemann in St. Paul's Church in Frankfurt for his many years of outstanding research achievements by awarding him the Hertie Senior Research Professorship in Neuroscience in the amount of 1 million euros. This award honors the life work of an outstanding neuroscience researcher and his contributions to the exploration of sensory photoreceptors. Hegemann developed the key tools for a technology - optogenetics - that enables detailed insight into the functions of...[more]
Bunsen Medal for Hans-Joachim Freund

Professor Hans-Joachim Freund, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, has been awarded the Bunsen Medal for his work in the field of surface chemistry and surface physics, as well as his contributions to the understanding of nanostructures for catalysis. The Chairman of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Professor Joachim Sauer (right) from Humboldt University of Berlin presented Professor Hans-Joachim Freund with the Bunsen Medal. Freund has been a UniCat member since its foundation in 2007 working in the...[more]
A blue-print for the activation of Carbon Dioxide

The activation and conversion of carbon dioxide into added-value products is of economical and ecological importance. [more]
Sonja Jost wins Victress Life Science Award 2015

Sonja Jost was honored with the Victress Award 2015 presented by Alex von Frankenberg from High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) in front of 800 invited guests.[more]