Chemistry laboratory for spin-offs

Inkulab yesterday presented itself at the 5th Berlin Chemie Symposium in Berlin-Adlershof, which is organized by the JungChemikerForum Berlin.[more]
Advantageous and affordable – effective catalysts for fuel cells

UniCat Professor Dr. Peter Strasser of the TU Berlin has received the Otto Roelen Medal 2016 at the Annual Meeting of German Catalysis Experts in Weimar.[more]
Unicat researchers provide new insights into the nature and function of hydrogen-oxidizing enzymes

Hydrogenases are enzymes that split molecular hydrogen into protons and electrons, which are conversely used to form hydrogen. Whether or not a particular hydrogenase is oxygen-tolerant is determined by its 3D-structure.
Innovation Award for Robert Schlögl

UniCat Professor Robert Schlögl has received the Innovation Award of North Rhine-Westphalia as Director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion. [more]
Award-winning Lecture at Conference in Salt Lake City

Gregor Wehinger, research associate of the UniCat group of Prof. Matthias Kraume, has been honored with an award for his lecture on dry reforming of methane in fixed-bed reactors at the annual conference of the “American Institute of Chemical Engineers” (AIChE).[more]
Clara Immerwahr Awards Ceremony for Rebecca Melen

Today, Dr. Rebecca Melen from Cardiff University, UK, has been awarded the Clara Immerwahr Award for her contributions to the field of main group elements in catalysis.[more]
Two new IPODI scholars

UniCat Professor Reinhard Schomäcker has again secured two new scholarships from the IPODI program.[more]
DexLeChem wins the Next Economy Award 2015

Yesterday, the UniCat spin-off DexLeChem has won one out of four Next Economy Awards of the Foundation German Sustainability Award.[more]
Clara Immerwahr Award 2016 for Rebecca Melen

Dr. Rebecca Melen from Cardiff University, UK, wins UniCat’s Clara Immerwahr Award 2016 for outstanding achievements in catalysis research.[more]