Using light to switch on nerve cells

Research prize for UniCat Professor Peter Hegeman, founder of optogenetics[more]
Schering Prize 2014 for Kristine Müther from UniCat Group of Martin Oestreich

Today, the 2014 Schering Prize has been awarded to Dr. Kristine Müther for her dissertation on "Generation, structure and reactivity of metallocene-stabilized silylium ions".[more]
Converting solar energy to fuel

A new Einstein Circle for UniCat Junior Research Group leader Ralph Kraehnert.[more]
Douglas Stephan selected as Einstein Visiting Fellow

The Einstein Foundation Berlin has announced that Professor Douglas W. Stephan of the University of Toronto has been selected as newest Einstein Visiting Fellow.[more]
New community standard for the annotation of biosynthetic gene clusters

New article in Nature Chemical Biology [more]
The Einstein Center of Catalysis: catalyzer in natural and life sciences

The Einstein Foundation Berlin will in future fund the Einstein Center of Catalysis proposed by the Cluster of Excellence UniCat. [more]
Converting a climate killer into alcohol

Since September 1, 2015 Assistant Professor Minoo Tasbihi has joined the UniCat group of Prof. Reinhard Schomäcker as visiting researcher in order to produce methanol from carbon dioxide using light and photocatalysts. As a result of the combustion of fossil fuels, which began during industrialization in the 19th century, the share of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen dramatically. Carbon dioxide is the most significant greenhouse gas produced by humans. The Cluster of Excellence UniCat is looking for a beneficial application...[more]
Joachim Sauer has been selected as the recipient of the 2015 Francois Gault Lectureship

Today, The European Federation of Catalysis Societis (EFCATS) has announced that Professor Joachim Sauer of the HU Berlin and UniCat Research Fields D1 and D2 is the recipient of the 2015 EFCTAS Francois Gault Lectureship. This Award recognizes individual groundbreaking contributions to catalysis. Professor Sauer is being specifically recognized for his contributions to the atomistic understanding of catalysis by zeolites and supported transition metal oxides. He has pioneered the application of quantum methods to zeolites with seminal...[more]
Promoting chemical innovation for industrial breakthrough

UniCat supports pitching session of “Chemiewende” start-ups.[more]