Monitoring Catalysis of the Membrane-Bound Hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16 by Surface-Enhanced IR Absorption Spectroscopy
In the past years, there is a strongly growing interest in hydrogenasessince these enzymes may catalyse either hydrogen splitting or hydrogenformation, i.e., reactions that are of technological importance for energystorage and conversion...You can find the full article on "Monitoring Catalysis of the Membrane-Bound Hydrogenase ...": Research\Research Highlights[more]
Cyanobacterial photosystem II at 2.9-Å resolution and the role of quinones, lipids, channels and chloride

Photosystem II (PSII) is a large homodimeric protein–cofactor complex located in the photosynthetic thylakoid membrane that acts as light-driven water:plastoquinone oxidoreductase... You can find the full article of Athina Zouni et al. on "Cyanobacterial photosystem II at 2.9-Å resolution and the role of quinones, lipids, channels and chloride": Research\Research Highlights[more]
Novel Au-Ag Hybrid Device
A nanostructured gold-silver-hybrid electrode for SER spectroelectrochemistry was developed in the group of Peter Hildebrandt. It advantageously combines the electrochemical properties and chemical stability of Gold and the strong surface enhancement of (resonance) Raman scattering by Silver. You can find the full article on "Ultrafast optogenetic control": Research\Research Highlights[more]
Reminder and Update - EuroCombiCat 2009
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until 31 January 2009. [more]
Dr. Harvey Arellano-Garcia receives EFCE Excellence Award
Dr. Harvey Arellano-Garcia will be awarded on ESCAPE 18 Conference on June2nd 2008. ESCAPE 18 is the European Symposium of Computer Aided ProcessEngineering and takes place in Lyon this year. Mr. Arellano-Garcia will receive the "EFCE Excellence Award in Recogntion ofan Outstandig PhD Theses on CAPE 2008". He works at TU Berlin at theInstitute of Process Technology, Plant Technology and Technical Acousticsand within Project C3 of the UniCat cluster.[more]
Nobel prize for Chemistry goes to Prof. Gerhard Ertl, Professor at the FHI and honorary Professor at the TU!
As we just learned from Sweden, the 2007 Nobel prize for Chemistry goes to Prof. Gerhard Ertl, Professor at the "Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft" (one of the funding institutions of UniCat) and honorary Professor at the Technische Universität Berlin! Congratulations dear colleague Ertl! [more]
Second phase of the "Excellence Initiative"
On Friday, the 12th of January 2007, the DFG and the Wissenschaftsrat have decided that UniCat is eligible to submit a full proposal within the bounds of the second phase of the "Excellence Initiative". The full proposal has to be submitted until the 13th of April 2007. The final decision concerning the long term funding of UniCat will be taken on October 19th, 2007. [more]