HaVo Fellowship for Dana Warner

Chemistry graduate Dana Warner receives the coveted PhD fellowship awarded by the HaVo Foundation. Ms Warner is part of the UniCat working group headed by Prof. Dr. Christian Limberg researching the activation of small molecules with biomimetic model complexes based on amino acids. After completing her secondary school education, Dana Warner trained as a Chemical Laboratory Assistant with the Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, BAM). On completion of her traineeship she studied Chemistry at...[more]
Professor Helmut Schwarz is awarded the Wilhelm Manchot Professorship

The Department of Chemistry of the Technische Universität München (TUM) and the Jürgen Manchot Foundation have awarded Professor Helmut Schwarz, a Chemist in the UniCat Cluster of Excellence and President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Manchot Research Professorship 2012. With this award, the TUM wishes to honour Professor Schwarz for his groundbreaking work in the explanation of essential processes in chemical reactions and for his continuing work on developing the technique of mass spectrometry. With his pioneering research...[more]
Clara Immerwahr Award 2012 goes to Kylie Vincent for her work on enzymes

The first winner of the Clara Immerwahr Award, conferred by the Berlin Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis” (UniCat), is Dr. Kylie Vincent. The prize aims to reward excellent young female scientists in the field of catalysis. Kylie Vincent’s research is based on the application and production of hydrogen with the aid of enzymes. The Award ceremony will take place on 10th February. The Clara Immerwahr Award will be given for the first time on 10th February 2012 at a public ceremony. Internationally renowned scientist and...[more]
“Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award” for Arne Thomas

UniCat-Professor Arne Thomas of TU Berlin is one out of three awardees of the „Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award“ 2011.[more]
Natural gas instead of crude oil

UniCat Cluster of Excellence and BASF establish joint lab on raw material change On December 8, 2011, the Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis” (UniCat) and chemical company BASF SE signed a cooperation agreement establishing a new joint lab dedicated to the development of new catalytic processes for raw material change. The move promotes the search for alternatives to petroleum, in particular the use of natural gas. The long term goal is to ensure the continued future availability of raw materials for the production of...[more]
Blaise Pascal Medal for Helmut Schwarz

The European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) honours UniCat professor for his groundbreaking research[more]
Marek Sierka becomes professor at Jena University

Dr. Marek Sierka has accepted an appointment at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. He will start as a professor for Computational Materials Science on January 01, 2012 at Institute of Materials Science and Technology at the Faculty for Physics and Astronomy. Marek Sierka studied chemistry and physics at the Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland (1991-1994); Bergen University, Bergen, Norway (1994-1995); Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (1995-1996). He received his Diplom (M.Sc.) in 1996. Afterwards he joined the...[more]
Structure of a microbial hydrogen engine

New results on biological hydrogen conversion published in Nature by UniCat researchers Oliver Lenz and Bärbel Friedrich[more]
UniCat offers the Clara Immerwahr Award for the first time

The Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis” (UniCat) is calling for applications for the Clara Immerwahr Award, which is associated with a financial support of 15.000 Euro for a research stay at UniCat. [more]
Mariano Nicolas Cruz Bournazou of the UniCat Cluster of Excellence receives the Chorafas Prize for his research work

For the excellent research work carried out in the production of his thesis at the TU Berlin, Mariano Nicolas Cruz Bournazou is to be distinguished with the Chorafas Prize. [more]