Research Training Group “Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis” approved by DFG

Funding for the new Research Training Group (RTG2473/1) “Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis” was approved by the German Research Foundation (DFG) on 9 November 2018.
Stefan Hecht new Associate Editor of “The Journal of Organic Chemistry”

Prof. Stefan Hecht was appointed as Associate Editor at the American Chemical Society’s “The Journal of Organic Chemistry” starting October 1st, 2018.
Alfred Stock Memorial Award for Prof. Christian Limberg

Professor Christian Limberg, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, has received the Alfred Stock Memorial Award from the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker which honors outstanding research in the field of inorganic chemistry. Christian Limberg is recognized for his comprehensive work on oxygen complexes and oxidation reactions.
Professor Katrina T. Forest awarded with an Einstein Visiting Fellowship

We are glad to announce the successful application of Prof. Katrina T. Forest (University of Wisconsin-Madison) for an Einstein Visiting Fellowship. Prof. K. T. Forest will start a new research project on light-driven biocatalysis in Berlin within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence UniCat, the SFB1078, and the Einstein Center of Catalysis.
Electrografted interfaces on metal oxides for catalysis with highest stability

Diazonium salts were electrografted onto transparent conductive oxides as stable alternatives to conventional anchoring groups for the surface immobilisation of molecular species which are relevant as electrocatalysts or photosensitisers. The interface formation, structure and stability was investigated i.a. with surface sensitive in situ ATR-IR spectroscopy, in combination with (spectro)electrochemistry.
Two BIG-NSE PhD students awarded

Two PhD students of BIG-NSE were awarded with the “Chinese government award for outstanding self financed students abroad” from the Chinese scholarship council. The awarding ceremony for Shuang Li and Yupeng Zhou, will take place at the Berlin Chinese Embassy on July 1st.
High electromagnetic field enhancement of TiO2 nanotubes electrodes

Inez Weidinger and coworkers have published a joint paper of three Unicat groups in Angewandte Chemie. They have created nanotubular TiO2 electrodes with unpreceded local light enhancement within the tubes. These nano-electrodes can be used for enhancing photocatalytic processes at the TiO2 interface and for surface enhanced spectroscopy.
20 Years of Green Chemistry

John Warner, the founder of the field of Green Chemistry and eponym of the Chemical Invention Factory (CIF) will present the first lecture of the "20 Years of Green Chemistry" series. The lecture will discuss the opportunities for the next generation of materials designers to create a safer and more sustainable future.
Electrosynthesized MIPs for transferrin: Plastibodies or nano-filters?

A new joint paper of four UniCat groups in the oncoming 'Biosensors & Bioelectronics' vol 105 on Molecular Imprinting of Proteins on Gold Surfaces.