A super adhesive made from intestinal bacteria

Manufacturing mussel-based underwater adhesives for healing bone fractures with the help of reprogramed intestinal bacteria / spin-off planned
Ceria nanoparticles: it is the surface that matters

Dioxygen activation on ceria catalysts: the importance of substrate crystallographic orientation / new publication in the journal Angewandte Chemie by Joachim Sauer and coworkers.
A highly reactive oxoiron(IV) complex supported by a bioinspired N3O macrocyclic ligand

New Research Highlight by UniCat Professor Kallol Ray and former BIG-NSE fellow Ines Monte Perez in the international edition of the journal Angewandte Chemie.
Temperature dependence of the catalytic reduction of dioxygen by a cobalt complex

The synthesis and characterization of a hexanuclear cobalt complex involving a nonheme ligand system, supported on a Sn6O6 stannoxane core are reported by the UniCat groups of Holger Dau, Peter Hildebrandt, and Kallol Ray.
Sustainability Needs Catalysis Research

"Unifying Systems in Catalysis" (UniSysCat), the succession project of UniCat, is qualified for submitting a full proposal.
Mendel medal for Peter Hegemann

The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina awarded bio-physicist and UniCat professor Peter Hegemann the Mendel medal.
Publication Award Fluorine Chemistry for Nediljko Budisa

The section fluorine chemistry of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) has awarded the Publication Award Fluorine Chemistry on 13th September 2017 during the one week meeting GDCh Science Forum Chemistry in Berlin. The awardees are UniCat professor Dr. Nediljko Budisa from TU Berlin and professor Dr. Beate Koksch from FU Berlin.
Emmy Noether Funds for Johannes Teichert

Junior Research Group leader Johannes Teichert will be supported by the German Research Foundation within the framework of the Emmy Noether Program.
Photosystem II without Mn4CaO5-Cluster

New research highlight: Holger Dau, Holger Dobbek, Athina Zouni, and coworkers reveal structural insights into the light-driven auto-assembly process of the water-oxidizing Mn4CaO5-cluster in photosystem II.
Highly Efficient Iron Diselenide Electrocatalyst for Overall Water Splitting

New hot paper of Matthias Driess and coworkesrs in Angewandte Chemie: A highly active iron diselenide electrocatalyst was prepared at low temperature from a bioinspired 2Fe-2Se molecular complex. The catalyst was applied to bifunctional oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions, as well as overall water splitting. The nature of active sites and structure–activity relationships of the electrocatalyst were uncovered.