Pofessorship at ISAS - offer to Peter Hildebrandt

A professorship at "Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften" (ISAS) in Dortmund as a Director of the Department of Bio-Spectroscopy is offered to Peter Hildebrandt, Professor for Biophysical Chemistry at TU Berlin and Vice Chair of UniCat. ISAS cooperates closely with "Technische Universität Dortmund" and has a branch office in Berlin.[more]
Novel Ag-Silica-Au hybrid device

A novel Ag-silica-Au hybrid device is developed that displays a long-range plasmon transfer of Ag to Au leading to enhanced Raman scattering of molecules largely separated from the optically excited Ag surface. You can find the full article of Peter Hildebrandt and coworkers on "Induced SER-Activity in Nanostructured Ag–Silica–Au Supports via Long-Range Plasmon Coupling": Research\Research Highlights[more]
European Research Council assigns UniCat researcher by ERC starting grant

Prof. Dr. Janina Maultzsch receives a fund of about 1.47 million Euro for a new research project on characterization and control of carbon nanotubes and graphenes.[more]
Unifying Concepts in Catalysis - Special Issue of ChemCatChem

Christian Limberg and Matthias Driess are guest editors[more]
In vivo double and triple labeling of proteins using synthetic amino acids
The group of Prof. Budisa could demonstrate that it is possible to introduce three types of non-canonical amino acids into a protein in a single expression experiment.[more]
Facile Dioxygen Activation by Molecular Silicon(II) Compounds

From silicon(II)-based dioxygen activation to adducts of elusive dioxasiliranes and sila-ureas stable at room temperature[more]
Reducing fuel cell costs by changing the structure and reactivity of platinum
Increasing platinum’s reactivity brings fuel cells closer to reality[more]