Methane coupling over magnesium oxide: how doping can work

New Paper in Angewandte Chemie, dedicated to Professor Helmut Schwarz on the occasion of his 70th birthday[more]
Klaus Grohe Prize 2013 for Bartłomiej Krawczyk

Dr. Bartłomiej Krawczyk, BIG-NSE alumnus and former member of the UniCat group of Prof. Roderich Süssmuth, was given the "Klaus-Grohe-Prize" 2013. The Award was given on the „Science Forum Chemistry“ of the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker [GDCh]) on 03/04 September in Darmstadt, Germany. The Klaus Grohe Prize for medicinal chemistry is awarded annually for outstanding doctoral research. The prize includes 2,000 Euros. [more]
Visiting Miller Professorship of UC Berkeley for Joachim Sauer

Joachim Sauer receives the Visiting Miller Professorship of the University of California Berkeley. He will stay with Daniel Neumark during August/September 2013. Within UniCat, Joachim Sauer is Coordinator of Research Area D1. Jochim Sauer Joachim Sauer received the Dr. rer. nat. degree in Chemistry from Humboldt University in Berlin in 1974, and the Dr. sc. nat. degree from the Academy of Sciences in (East-)Berlin in 1985. Since 1993 he is Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the Humboldt University in Berlin, and since 2006...[more]
Reusing homogeneous chiral catalysts: innovation for the pharmaceutical industry

Spin-out DexLeChem develops new resource-efficient reaction routes for active pharmaceutical ingredients production[more]
New hope for the future: Alcohol fuel cells and magnesium batteries

UniCat scientist searching for novel electrochemical energy storage devices for electric vehicles[more]
Johannes Fritsch from Bärbel Friedrich’s group received Award of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)

Johannes Fritsch received the prestigious Doctoral Thesis Award of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) for outstanding research in the field of microbiology. The Award is associated with a price money of € 1,600 and a summary article of his work in the journal BioSpektrum. Johannes Fritsch was born in 1980. He studied biology at HU Berlin and at Södertörns Högskola, Sweden from 2001 until 2007. Afterwards, he was a PhD student at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Pennsylvania...[more]
New insights about the active site of [NiFe] hydrogenases by resonance Raman spectroscopy

Very Important Paper (VIP) in "Angewandte Chemie" of the groups of Peter Hildebrandt/Ingo Zebger, Maria-Andrea Mroginski and Oliver Lenz[more]
UniCat cooperation with Northwestern University

Scientific exchange for young Ph.D. students / Impressions of the joint meeting on 18.-19. March 2013 / Interview with Martin McBriarty[more]
Federal Cross of Merit for UniCat Professor Bärbel Friedrich

The microbiologist, Prof. Dr. Bärbel Friedrich was honoured with the Merit Cross on Ribbon by President Joachim Gauck on 7 March 2013 at the Bellevue Palace in Berlin for her contributions to the sciences in the new federal States. [more]