News and impressions from General Assembly meeting

Freitag, 04. Dezember 2009

Yesterday, Prof. Matthias Driess opened the meeting of the General Assembly and welcomed guests and members of UniCat.

Prof. Matthias DriessProf. Arne ThomasProf. Holger Dobbek

Two new members of UniCat presented their research work. Prof. Arne Thomas (TU Berlin) gave a talk on "Functional Porous Materials for Catalytic Applications". Prof. Holger Dobbek (HU Berlin) gave a lecture on "Insights from Structural Biology into Microbial Life on Carbon Monoxide".

The General Assembly decided to change the statutes: the number of Board Members shall be increased up to ten members.

Prof. Reinhard Schomäcker showed progress made at the Graduate School (BIG-NSE). The official part of the meeting was followed by a get-together.

Prof. Reinhard Schomäcker

Some more pictures: