Prof. Dr. Marek Sierka
Marek Sierka is a former junior scientist in Prof. Sauer's group. On 1 January 2012 Marek Sierka started as professor for Computational Materials Science at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology at the Faculty for Physics and Astronomy at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Research interests
Density funtional theory methods for extended (periodic) systems, global and local optimization algorithms for gas-phase clusters and surfaces, heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis
Research Fields in UniCat
2011: Research Field D1
2007-2011: A1
Relevant News
Marek Sierka becomes professor at Jena University

Dr. Marek Sierka has accepted an appointment at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. He will start as a professor for Computational Materials Science on January 01, 2012 at Institute of Materials Science and Technology at the Faculty fo[more]
UniCat publications
1428 Nature of active sites in Ni2P hydrotreating catalysts as probed by iron substitution H. Zhao, S. T. Oyama, H. J. Freund, R. Włodarczyk, M. Sierka Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2014, 164, 204–216, 10.1016/j.apcatb.2014.09.010 |
1348 Similarity recognition of molecular structures by optimal atomic matching and rotational superposition B. Helmich, M. Sierka Journal of Computational Chemistry 2012, 33, 134–140, 10.1002/jcc.21925 |
1347 Die atomare Struktur eines metallgestützten glasartigen dünnen Silikafilms L. Lichtenstein, C. Büchner, B. Yang, S. Shaikhutdinov, M. Heyde, M. Sierka, R. Włodarczyk, J. Sauer, H. J. Freund Angewandte Chemie 2012, 124, 416–420, 10.1002/ange.201107097 |
1346 The Atomic Structure of a Metal-Supported Vitreous Thin Silica Film L. Lichtenstein, C. Büchner, B. Yang, S. Shaikhutdinov, M. Heyde, M. Sierka, R. Włodarczyk, J. Sauer, H. J. Freund Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012, 51, 404–407, 10.1002/anie.201107097 |
1345 Modellierung von Zeolithen durch zweidimensionale Aluminosilicatfilme auf Metallunterlagen J. A. Boscoboinik, X. Yu, B. Yang, F. D. Fischer, R. Włodarczyk, M. Sierka, S. Shaikhutdinov, J. Sauer, H. J. Freund Angewandte Chemie 2012, 124, 6107–6111, 10.1002/ange.201201319 |
1344 Modeling Zeolites with Metal-Supported Two-Dimensional Aluminosilicate Films J. A. Boscoboinik, X. Yu, B. Yang, F. D. Fischer, R. Włodarczyk, M. Sierka, S. Shaikhutdinov, J. Sauer, H. J. Freund Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012, 51, 6005–6008, 10.1002/anie.201201319 |
1343 Thin silica films on Ru(0001): monolayer, bilayer and three-dimensional networks of [SiO4] tetrahedra B. Yang, W. E. Kaden, X. Yu, J. A. Boscoboinik, Y. Martynova, L. Lichtenstein, M. Heyde, M. Sterrer, R. Włodarczyk, M. Sierka, J. Sauer, S. Shaikhutdinov, H. J. Freund Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012, 14, 11344–11351, 10.1039/C2CP41355H |
1033 Tuning the electronic structure of ultrathin crystalline silica films on Ru(0001) R. Wlodarczyk, M. Sierka, J. Sauer, D. Löffler, J. J. Ulrich, X. Yu, B. Yang, I. M. N. Groot, S. Shaikhutdinov, H. J. Freund Physical Review B 2012, 85, 85403–85403, 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.085403 |
842 Structure determination of neutral MgO clusters - hexagonal nanotubes and cages M. Haertelt, A. Fielicke, G. Meijer, K. Kwapien, M. Sierka, J. Sauer Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012, 14, 2849–2856, 10.1039/C2CP23432G |
622 Structures of the ordered water monolayer on MgO(001) R. Włodarczyk, M. Sierka, K. Kwapień, J. Sauer, E. Carrasco, A. Aumer, J. F. Gomes, M. Sterrer, H. J. Freund Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115, 6764–6774, 10.1021/jp200112c |
466 Thickness-Dependent Hydroxylation of MgO(001) Thin Films E. Carrasco, M. A. Brown, M. Sterrer, H.-J. Freund, K. Kwapien, M. Sierka, J. Sauer Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114, 18207–18214, 10.1021/jp105294e |
465 Reactions of H2, CH4, C2H6, and C3H8 with [(MgO)(n)](+) Clusters Studied by Density Functional Theory K. Kwapien, M. Sierka, J. Döbler, J. Sauer ChemCatChem 2010, 2, 819–826, 10.1002/cctc.201000118 |
451 Structural Diversity and Flexibility of MgO Gas-Phase Clusters K. Kwapien, M. Sierka, J. Döbler, J. Sauer, M. Haertelt, A. Fielicke, G. Meijer Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 1716–1719, 10.1002/anie.201004617 |
236 Point defects in CaF2 and CeO2 investigated by the periodic electrostatic embedded cluster method J. Döbler, M. Sierka, A. Burow, J. Sauer The Journal of Chemical Physics 2009, 130, 174710– 10.1063/1.3123527 |
235 The [(Al2O3)2]- Anion Cluster: Electron Localization-Delocalization Isomerism J. Sauer, H. J. Zhai, L. S. Lai-Sheng, J. Döbler, M. Sierka ChemPhysChem 2009, 10, 2410–2413, 10.1002/cphc.200900460 |
234 Resolution of identity approximation for the Coulomb term in molecular and periodic systems A. Burow, F. Mohamed, M. Sierka The Journal of Chemical Physics 2009, 131, 214101–214101, 10.1063/1.3267858 |