UniCat and BIG-NSE 10th Anniversary
Symposium on „Unifying Concepts in Catalysis: Status Quo and Challenges“
For photos of the event go to photo gallery.

We are delighted to announce that we are reaching another milestone in the history of UniCat and BIG-NSE. We are going to celebrate our 10th anniversary in July 2017. On this occasion we invite interested scientists to attend our special symposium entitled “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis: Status Quo and Challenges”. We are proud that the program includes plenary lectures from renowned external researchers: Petra de Jongh (Utrecht University), Linda Broadbelt (Northwestern University), Tobin Marks (Northwestern University), Doug Rees (California Institute of Technology), Marc Fontecave (College de France), Steven Boxer (Stanford University), and Frank Neese (MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion). In addition, leading UniCat scientists give account on 10 years UniCat achievements and facing challenges in catalysis research. The event takes place July 12 -14, 2017 at TU Berlin in the heart of Germany’s Capital. The 3 day symposium includes invited lectures, a poster session, experience talks with former BIG-NSE students and of course an anniversary get-together party. The symposium is free of charge. |