Long Night of Sciences

On June 8, 2013 "The Long Night of Sciences" will be presented for 12th time. Here is the UniCat presentation.
- Chemistry at home
- Chemistry in the pocket: Liquid Crystals Displays, e.g. in mobiles
- Da Vinci Chemistry - chemical quizzes for children and adults
- Fire without matches
- Talks on Chemistry and Catalysis
- Miniature golf and saving energy using catalysts
- Hydrogen - the energy source of the future
- Female Scientists at UniCat
You will find the whole Unicat presentation at Building C of the TU Berlin, which is also known as "House of Chemistry". The adress of the Building C is as follows.
House of Chemistry
Technische Universität, Geäude C
Strasse des 17. Juni 115
10623 Berlin