Inequalities in Scientific Careers

In the case of inequalities of specific groups in UniCat, the online-survey shows interesting results. For example, by modeling the web of relationships in selected projects, positions of women and their integration in the cluster can be analyzed. We can see that, compared with their male colleagues, women mostly still take less central positions in core-activities of research.

This is in particular also grounded in the lower academic status of women, too. That is what the third finding presented here tells us and refers to the complexity of the situation. But our data show that even in the same status group, such tendencies can be found.

Prof. Dr. Nina Baur

Nina Baur
Technische Universität Berlin
Inst. f. Soziologie / FG Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Franklinstraße 28/29
Berlin , 10587
+49 30 314-22811