Forms of Organisation Cooperation

The analysis of organizational forms and cooperation in the cluster shows that primary orientation in researchactivities is still the classical hierarchy of departments. Figure 1 shows that professors (blue) and post-docs (red)
remain the central status groups. Doctoral candidates (green) are less centrally positioned in the network.

Fig. 1: Network of Mutual Perception

Statusgroups are thereby constituted by both hierarchical positions in the department and qualifications (like the PhD. thesis) as passage points of a scientific career in a scientific discipline. The emerged status of a person then is important for the recognition as central actor in the cluster projects. The interdisciplinary formal structure of UniCat has not displaced classical orientations in science such as disciplinary and hierarchical ones, yet.

Prof. Dr. Nina Baur

Nina Baur
Technische Universität Berlin
Inst. f. Soziologie / FG Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Franklinstraße 28/29
Berlin , 10587
+49 30 314-22811