Visit of 12 Colombian Students and their Professor in June 2014


Photos © UniCat / Martin Penno

On June 16 and June 17, twelve chemistry students from Colombia and their professor, Dr. Carlos A. Trujillo from National University of Colombia at Bogota visited UniCat, our graduate school BIG-NSE, the Technische Universität Berlin and the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society.

Thanks to all hosting working groups: metalorganic chemistry (Prof. Driess), organic chemistry (Prof. Oestreich), electrocatalysis (Prof. Strasser), reaction engineering (Prof. Schomäcker), functional materials (Prof. Thomas), UniCat-BASF JointLab (Dr. Rosowski), miniplant for oxidative coupling of methane (Prof. Wozny), inorganic chemistry and catalysis (Prof. Schlögl), and chemical physics (Prof. Freund).

This scientific exchange was supported by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).