Press Releases 2007 - 2016
- Chemical looping for raw material change
Scientists from the Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis” of Berlin University of Technology have won the Prize for Innovation from the German Gas Industry.
10 November 2016

- An unusual container
The ground-breaking ceremony for “Inkulab” was celebrated on the Charlottenburg campus of TU Berlin. By October of this year, a laboratory container, fully equipped with a ventilation system and laboratory and safety facilities, will be installed and begin operation.
26 August 2016
- Unicat researchers provide new insights into the nature and function of hydrogen-oxidizing enzymes
Hydrogenases are enzymes that split molecular hydrogen into protons and electrons, which are conversely used to form hydrogen. Whether or not a particular hydrogenase is oxygen-tolerant ...
11 March 2016

- Aluminum instead of Platinum
The Cluster of Excellence, "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis" will present Dr. Rebecca Melen of Cardiff University, UK, the Clara Immerwahr Award on 12 February 2016 at the TU Berlin.
05 February 2016

- The Einstein Center of Catalysis: catalyzer in natural and life sciences
The Einstein Foundation Berlin will in future fund the Einstein Center of Catalysis proposed by the Cluster of Excellence UniCat.
22 September 2015

- Power of catalysis: Activation of oxygen and hydrocarbon materials
The Cluster of Excellence, "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis" will present Dr. Anna Company Casadevall of the University of Girona, Spain, the Clara Immerwahr Award on 13 February 2015 at the Technische Universität Berlin.
09 February 2015

- Hope for new Antibiotics:
A German-French research team solves the structural paradigm of albicidin - funding provided by the TU Excellenc Cluster "UniCat", published in "Nature Chemical Biology"
21 January 2015

- Speed up your sperm with light
Shedding light on fertility / Researchers control swimming behaviour of sperm with light-sensitive enzyme / New publication of UniCat Professor Peter Hegemann
20 January 2015

- The Riddle of Platonic Catalysts is Solved:
The growth mechanism of platinum-nickel octahedron particles is discovered. The work of UniCat-Professor Peter Strasser in "Science" magazine
19 December 2014

- New process design reduces costs:
Fast and creative start-up solutions convince LONZA
27 November 2014

- Photosynthesis under the X-Ray
New technology allows the analysis of biomolecules in a native-like form
07 November 2014

- Piano concert for and with Gerhard Ertl, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
The program includes works by Mozart: Misericordias Do- mini, the Jupiter Symphony and the Piano Concerto No. 7.
04th September 2014
- The Mystery of a Bee Disease
UniCat Scientists from the TU Berlin and the national Institute for Bee Research study the pathogens of one of the most dangerous bee diseases
28th July 2014
- Research for raw material change: UniCat-BASF Joint Lab „BasCat“
Today, the Cluster of Excellence UniCat and BASF SE have opened up the new joint lab BasCat at TU Berlinon
9th July 2014

- New laboratory for raw material change
Opening of the UniCat-Basf Joint Laboratory (BasCat) at the TU Berlin on
7th July 2014

- Excellent female chemist researches researches the crystal structure of aldehyde oxidase enzymes
Clara Immerwahr Award Ceremony for Teresa Santos-Silva on 21 February / Invitation
18th February 2014

- Six eminent scientists share the world’s largest brain research prize
The Danish brain research prize is awarded to six leading scientists. One of them is UniCat professor Peter Hegemann.
12th March 2013

- Excellent female chemist researches new synthesis of hydrogen peroxide
Clara Immerwahr Award Ceremony on 11th February / Invitation
4th February 2013

- Science on Stage:"Insufficiency"
A staged reading with Gerd Wameling on 5th December at the TU Berlin / A prelude to cooperation with the UdK
30th November 2012

- Gerhard Ertl Center officially opened
Opening ceremony held at the TU Berlin with Nobel Prize winner Gerhard Ertl and Berlin State Secretary for Science Knut Nevermann
09th October 2012

- UniCat founds the Gerhard Ertl Center
On 8th October 2012 the Cluster of Excellence UniCat will officially found the Gerhard Ertl Center at the Technische Universität Berlin as its future headquarters
24th September 2012

- UniCat classed as excellent one more
The Cluster of Excellence consolidates its pole position in catalysis research. In the coming 5 years up to €33 million will be invested in Berlin and Potsdam.
15th June 2012

- Excellent chemist does research on power supply using enzymes
Ceremony of first Clara Immerwahr Award on 10th February / Invitation to press conference with guided laboratory tour
30th January 2012

- Natural gas instead of crude oil
UniCat Cluster of Excellence and BASF establish joint lab dedicated to the development of new catalytic processes for raw material change
8th December 2011

- "Oxygen", a play about the discovery of this all-important element
What is discovery? Why is it important to be first? These questions trouble the Characters in Oxygen.
7th December 2011
- Nobel Prize winner Roald Hoffmann is to give the fourth Gerhard Ertl Lecture
7th December 2011 - €13 million for a new joint laboratory at the TU Berlin for raw-material change
2nd December 2011 - TU Berlin: innovative chemical substances from bacteria
2nd December 2011 - UniCat offers the Clara Immerwahr Award for the first time
15,000 € for a research stay at UniCat
24th October 2011 - Structure of a microbial hydrogen engine
New results on biological hydrogen conversion published in Nature by UniCat researcher
21st October 2011 - New building for centre of electron microscopy (German website)
20th October 2011 - Mariano Nicolas Cruz Bournazou to receive the Chorafas Prize for his research work
18th Oktober 2011 - Groundbreaking experimental Research on reactive Silicon Compounds
Prof. Dr. Matthias Driess of TU Berlin receives Wacker Silicone Award 2011
06th October 2011 - TU Berlin: Open house at Institute of Chemistry on Sept. 24th
UniCat presents interesting experiments and tour through labs
19th September 2011 - UniCat-TU scientist receives more than one million dollars in funding from the United States for catalysis research
16th September 2011 - The Einstein Foundation brings a top international scientist to Berlin
29th June 2011 - Humboldt Prize awardee comes to Prof. Roderich Süssmuth this Mayl
28th April 2011 - Creating a Parallel Biological World with a Genetic Firewall
Breaking new ground in whole-cell catalysis using artificial bacteria;
18th April 2011
- Artificial proteins with novel properties; June 24th, 2010.
- Reducing fuel cell costs by changing the structure and reactivity of platinum; April 26th, 2010.