Organizational Structure
The bodies that make up the Cluster of Excellence are the Chair, the Executive Board and the general assembly of all members. The general assembly elects the Chair and on his proposal the entire Executive Board.
The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Executive Board on scientific topics. Its members are high-ranking German and international scientists from academia and industry. The Chair represents and manages the Cluster. He is supported by the UniCat Office team.

The BIG-NSE Graduate School (Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering) is part of UniCat. The BIG-NSE is active in the education of excellent young researchers.
The Cluster is divided into four research bands (1 to 4). Each one is divided into one chemical (D) and one biological (E) part (e.g. D2 and E2). Each D1 up to E4 are coordinated by two sub-coordinators.