UniCat News: July - Sept. 2017

Clara Immerwahr Award: Call for Applications

Mon 04 September 2017

The Clara Immerwahr Award is conferred annually to a young female scientist for outstanding results in catalysis research.

Emmy Noether Funds for Johannes Teichert

Fri 01 September 2017

Junior Research Group leader Johannes Teichert will be supported by the German Research Foundation within the framework of the Emmy Noether Program.

Photosystem II without Mn4CaO5-Cluster

Thu 10 August 2017

New research highlight by Holger Dau, Holger Dobbek, Athina Zouni, and coworkers reveal structural insights into the light-driven auto-assembly process of the water-oxidizing Mn4CaO5-cluster in photosystem II.

Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting

Thu 20 July 2017

A highly active iron diselenide electrocatalyst was prepared at low temperature from a bioinspired 2Fe-2Se molecular complex. The catalyst was applied to bifunctional oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions, as well as overall water splitting.
The nature of active sites and structure–activity relationships of the electrocatalyst were uncovered.

Redox-dependent substrate-cofactor interactions

Wed 19 July 2017

New research highlight by Peter Hildebrandt, Holger Dobbek, Ingo Zebger, and coworkers investigates the Michaelis complex of the flavoenzyme xenobiotic reductase A.

A decade of excellent catalysis research

Thu 13 July 2017

The 10th anniversary of UniCat and BIG-NSE was celebrated with the symposium entitled “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis: Status Quo and Challenges”

Upcoming Events

UniCat 11th Annual General Meeting

Wed 29 November 2017, 17:15
Technische Universität Berlin
Chemistry Building, room C 264
Straße des 17. Juni 115
10623 Berlin

Gerhard Ertl Lecture 2017

Fri 08 December 2017, 16:00
Harnack House - Hahn Lecture Hall
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin

UniCat New Year Reception and 11th
BIG-NSE workshop

Fri 12 January 2018
Technische Universität Berlin
Chemistry Building, room C 130
Straße des 17. Juni 115
10623 Berlin


Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis” (UniCat)
Technische Universität Berlin
Sekr. BEL 4
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 BERLIN

Tel.: +49 (0)30 314-28 590
Fax: +49 (0)30 314-28 594
E-mail: info@unicat.tu-berlin.de

Chair: Prof. Dr. Matthias Driess (TU Berlin)

Website: www3.unicat-berlin.de
