Former BIG-NSE fellow becomes Associate Professor
September 26, 2016
Dr. Amandine Guiet a former BIG-NSE fellow in the group of Prof. Anna Fischer has accepted an offer as “Maitre de Conférence” at Université du Maine at Le Mans in France.
Amandine Guiet studied chemistry in France, Germany and the US (Florida). In late 2010, she joined UniCat and the BIG-NSE with its fourth initial phase. She worked on the design of nanostructured Tin-rich ITO electrodes for the immobilization of bio- and chemical- electrocatalysts – enzymes as well as metallic nanoparticles. Indium tin oxide (ITO) is one of the most widely used transparent conducting oxides.
In June 2014, Amandine Guiet finished her PhD entitled “Hydrophobic Nanoreactor Templating for Nanostructured Metal – Tin-rich ITO Materials” under the supervision of Dr. Anna Fischer who became a full professor in the same year at Freiburg University. Amandine Guiet was her first PhD student. Co-supervisors were Professor Matthias Driess and Professor Arne Thomas. So far, five publications related to her PhD research have been published and three papers are still in the pipeline.
In September 2014, Amandine Guiet received an ATER position at the Université du Maine in Le Mans in the “Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans (IMMM)” in the group of Oxides and Fluorides. In the French higher education system, ATER [ATER = Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche] corresponds to a postdoc position with approximately 250 hours of teaching per year.
Since September 1st, 2016, she has got a permanent position as Maitre de Conference which corresponds to an associate professor position in the French academic ranks.
UniCat wishes her all the best for her scientific career.