Miniature golf and saving energy using catalysts
Become a golfer, the fun way to find out how catalysis works! Adults and children can have a go at two mini golf courses, testing how much energy they have to use to putt the ball. Members of the UniCat Cluster of Excellence and the BIG-NSE Graduate School explain the principles of catalysis. What does mini golf have to do with saving energy? The two mini golf courses demonstrate the reaction times for chemical reactions carried out with and without the addition of catalysts. Catalysts reduce the energy mass that has to be overcome. This saves a great deal of energy in practice. As a mini golf player you need to take less of a swing.
House of Catalysis, left-hand side of the foyer
16:00 to 24:00, lasts 10 minutes
Suitable for children of all ages and school groups
Kind of event:
Demonstration, hands-on experiment
full disabled access