Prof. C. Russell Hille,Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside, USA: CO Dehydrogenase from Oligotropha carboxidovorans 2011-08-26
Prof. Don Hilvert,ETH Zürich, Switzerland: Teaching old enzymes new tricks 2008-02-06
Prof. Andreas Hirsch,Department für Chemie und Pharmazie & Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Molekulare Materialien (ICMM) Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Synthese und supramolekulare Organisation von kohlenstoffreichen Architekturen 2008-12-03
Prof. Thomas Hirth,Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB, Institut für Grenzflächenver-fahrenstechnik: Catalytic conversion of renewable raw materials by combination of chemical and biotechnological routes 2009-01-21
Prof. Patrick Holland,Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, The College of Arts & Sciences, Rochester, NY, USA: Understanding the Mechanism of Nitrogen Fixation using Low-Coordinate Iron Complexes 2012-05-09
Prof. Xile Hu,Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): Inorganic water splitting catalysts: from soft chemical synthesis to integrated photoelectrochemical devices 2015-04-29
Prof. Robert Huber,Max-Planck-Institut Martinsried, München: Catalysis and regulation in biology, proteolytic enzymes as an example 2009-07-08
Prof. Dr. Neil Hunt,University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Department of Physics: Exploring enzyme dynamics with ultrafast 2D-IR spectroscopy 2018-01-31
Dr. Michael Ingleson,University of Manchester: Cationic carbon and boron Lewis acids for the activation of sigma and pi bonds 2016-05-18
Prof. Bernhard Jaun,ETH Zürich, Switzerland: The Catalytic Role of the Nickel Hydrocorphin F430 in Biological Methane Formation and Functionalization 2008-06-18
Prof. Zdzislaw Jaworski,Szczecin University of Technology, Poland: Current Status of Multiscale Modelling of Product Processing 2010-02-03
Prof. Cameron Jones,(Humboldt Research Award 2010) ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, School of Chemistry, Monash University, Australia: Molecular magnesium(I) compounds: "Bespoke" reducing agents for the synthetic chemist 2011-06-17
Prof. Dr. William D. Jones,University of Rochester, The College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Rochester, NY, USA: Why Do Weaker Metal-Carbon Bonds Lead to More Stable Complexes? What's Going On? 2018-06-13
Prof. Dr. Cameron Jones,Monash University: Magnesium(I) dimers 10 years on: Universal reductants for synthesis/catalysis? 2018-10-24
Prof. Dr. Christian Jooss,Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: In situ TEM and X-ray spectroscopy studies of manganite perovskite electro-catalysts for water oxidation 2018-05-02
Prof. Wolfgang Kaim,Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Stuttgart: Metal Complexes with Hemi-Labile Redox-Active Ligands 2014-04-16
Dr. Ulrike Kappler,Biochemistry & Molecular Bilology, University of Queensland, Australia: Metalloenzymes in bacterial sulphur metabolism 2008-12-10
Hugh Kearns,Flinders University, South Australia: The Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Researchers and Research Students 2017-06-14
Prof. Mitsuo Kira,Department of Chemistry, Graduate School fo Science, Tohoku, Japan: Transition Metal Complexes of Disilenes, Digermenes and Silylenes 2008-12-09
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elias Klemm,Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany: Heterogeneously Catalyzed Partial Oxidations in the Explosion Regime using Microreactors 2013-05-21
Prof. Paul Knochel,Department of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany: Preparation of Polyfunctional Organometallics and Stereoselective Cross-Couplings 2011-06-08
Prof. Konrad Koszinowski,Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany: Intermediates of Transition-Metal Mediated Cross-Coupling Reactions 2013-03-06
Dr. Dorota Koziej,ETH Zürich, Switzerland: THIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED. From nanoparticles to complex functional materials – a view from the bridge 2016-01-20
Dr.-Ing. Ralph Krähnert,TU Berlin: Concepts for a rational design of solid catalysts 2010-10-20
Dr. Ulrike Kramm,Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg: Mössbauer spectroscopy - a powerful tool for the characterization of active sites in Fe-N-C catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction 2014-06-11